As I was planning my meals last week, I realized that I have recipe fatigue. T and I have been alternating cooking weeks and planning meals since January or February. I’ve read and reviewed and made so many new recipes … Continue reading

As I was planning my meals last week, I realized that I have recipe fatigue. T and I have been alternating cooking weeks and planning meals since January or February. I’ve read and reviewed and made so many new recipes … Continue reading
I have to admit, I’ve never had a fish taco before now. Or maybe once, but it obviously wasn’t memorable. I’ve always shied away from fish tacos. They just sound weird. Fish? In a taco? With shredded cheese and salsa? No thank … Continue reading
T first made this dish a few months ago. He had a version of it at a Thai restaurant and was so taken with the flavour that he wanted to try making it at home. It’s super quick and easy … Continue reading
This is a “smack-yo-mama” good pork chop. (Sorry, Mama.) I’m serious, this pork chop is just that good. Or rather the glaze is just that good. I’m definitely going to be trying it on my chicken… and shrimp… and maybe even on my oatmeal. … Continue reading
Since we began dating, each year T and I have alternated who plans our anniversary and who plans Valentine’s Day. We are a modern, progressive couple, so “bah!” to the idea that it’s “the man’s job” to plan and buy and … Continue reading
First , let me apologize for the image to your left. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. Second, meatloaf just doesn’t photograph well (As you can see from my traditional meatloaf recipe.) It’s meat, shaped like a loaf. Delicious, yes. Photogenic, no … Continue reading
This recipe came to me in a dream. Well, in a daze to be more exact. When I got off work yesterday I was tired, and hungry, and my brain felt mushy. I went home, stripped down to my skivvies … Continue reading
This is probably my all-time favourite meal. I started making Sunday Sauce about 4 years ago as a New Year’s Eve tradition. The original recipe is from my number one guitar hero, Dean Ween (or Mickey Melchiando as his mama calls … Continue reading
Let me state the obvious… it’s cold. I mean cold. The high for today is 29°, and it currently “feels like” 16°. This is North Carolina for Pete’s sake! I ain’t use to this! Given the current trend in temperature, what … Continue reading
Ack! Many things have conspired and transpired since I first planned to publish this post. But now, I’m back (sing with me: “to let you know, I can really shake ’em down… DO YOU LOVE ME?” ) Okok– you might … Continue reading
Growing up in a “culturally appreciative” home, T’s parents often prepared ethnically diverse meals. Not all of which were kid-friendly (borscht anyone?) So, one year for his birthday T asked for good ol’ American boy food: meat loaf and macaroni & … Continue reading
If you know someone who hunts deer (or other wild game for that matter), make friends with him. I annually get the “hook-up” from my friend C, who is a skilled, yet conservative bow hunter. Most bow hunters feel that … Continue reading