Have you been staring into your refrigerator thinking that you Can. Not. Eat. one more plate of reheated leftovers? Then this is the recipe for you. Not only is this a delicious, easy meal, you’ll hopefully be able to take … Continue reading

Have you been staring into your refrigerator thinking that you Can. Not. Eat. one more plate of reheated leftovers? Then this is the recipe for you. Not only is this a delicious, easy meal, you’ll hopefully be able to take … Continue reading
This is a “smack-yo-mama” good pork chop. (Sorry, Mama.) I’m serious, this pork chop is just that good. Or rather the glaze is just that good. I’m definitely going to be trying it on my chicken… and shrimp… and maybe even on my oatmeal. … Continue reading
First , let me apologize for the image to your left. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. Second, meatloaf just doesn’t photograph well (As you can see from my traditional meatloaf recipe.) It’s meat, shaped like a loaf. Delicious, yes. Photogenic, no … Continue reading
This is probably my all-time favourite meal. I started making Sunday Sauce about 4 years ago as a New Year’s Eve tradition. The original recipe is from my number one guitar hero, Dean Ween (or Mickey Melchiando as his mama calls … Continue reading
Let me state the obvious… it’s cold. I mean cold. The high for today is 29°, and it currently “feels like” 16°. This is North Carolina for Pete’s sake! I ain’t use to this! Given the current trend in temperature, what … Continue reading
– 1/2 cup ketchup -1/4 cup apple cider vinegar -1 1/2 tablespoon molasses -1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar -1 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard -1 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce – 1 teaspoon garlic powder -1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce -1/2 cup … Continue reading
If you know someone who hunts deer (or other wild game for that matter), make friends with him. I annually get the “hook-up” from my friend C, who is a skilled, yet conservative bow hunter. Most bow hunters feel that … Continue reading
T and I have been on vacation this week. The first half of the week we lounged on the beach, our toes in the sand, drinking White Russians (“Caucasians” to all you Lebowski fans.) The latter half we’ve spent lounging … Continue reading
Stevia (stevia rebaudianais) is a native South American plant whose leaves are edible; and, having a sweet flavour, can be used as a sugar substitute. I began using stevia about two years ago as a sugar substitute in my tea. … Continue reading
As usual, T and I woke up yesterday morning wondering “what are we going to have for breakfast?” Inspired by our late-night antipasto the night before, I came up with the fabulous idea of a pizza omelet. (My first idea … Continue reading
Mmmmm, risotto. One of my all-time favourite dishes. And so versatile, you can personalize it anyway you like. An ex-beau first taught me how to make risotto, and for that alone, I am eternally grateful. While I think risotto is … Continue reading
A few weeks ago a co-worker hosted a little Sunday afternoon pot luck/cook-out. I wanted to make something different and try out one of the many recipes I’ve been hoarding. The original recipe was for raspberry gelato. However, since the … Continue reading