T first made this dish a few months ago. He had a version of it at a Thai restaurant and was so taken with the flavour that he wanted to try making it at home. It’s super quick and easy … Continue reading
Nam Sod

T first made this dish a few months ago. He had a version of it at a Thai restaurant and was so taken with the flavour that he wanted to try making it at home. It’s super quick and easy … Continue reading
This is a “smack-yo-mama” good pork chop. (Sorry, Mama.) I’m serious, this pork chop is just that good. Or rather the glaze is just that good. I’m definitely going to be trying it on my chicken… and shrimp… and maybe even on my oatmeal. … Continue reading
Since we began dating, each year T and I have alternated who plans our anniversary and who plans Valentine’s Day. We are a modern, progressive couple, so “bah!” to the idea that it’s “the man’s job” to plan and buy and … Continue reading
First , let me apologize for the image to your left. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. Second, meatloaf just doesn’t photograph well (As you can see from my traditional meatloaf recipe.) It’s meat, shaped like a loaf. Delicious, yes. Photogenic, no … Continue reading
This recipe came to me in a dream. Well, in a daze to be more exact. When I got off work yesterday I was tired, and hungry, and my brain felt mushy. I went home, stripped down to my skivvies … Continue reading
I am a novice bread maker. In fact, I’ve never made a decent loaf of bread in my life. My greatest success was the yeast rolls at Thanksgiving. So, why have I decided to take on Italian bread as my … Continue reading
This is probably my all-time favourite meal. I started making Sunday Sauce about 4 years ago as a New Year’s Eve tradition. The original recipe is from my number one guitar hero, Dean Ween (or Mickey Melchiando as his mama calls … Continue reading
Mmmmm, eggnog. My Daddy loves this stuff. He drinks at least a carton on Christmas Eve alone. I’ve never been a big fan, until I made the real thing. This past summer, I hosted a Christmas in July party. On … Continue reading
Let me state the obvious… it’s cold. I mean cold. The high for today is 29°, and it currently “feels like” 16°. This is North Carolina for Pete’s sake! I ain’t use to this! Given the current trend in temperature, what … Continue reading
As the daughter of a sweet potato farmer, I have always found sweet potato treats (pie, muffins, bread) far superior to their more common counterpart, pumpkin. This cheesecake is no different. In my opinion, sweet potatoes have a earthier, richer flavour… and that … Continue reading
Ack! Many things have conspired and transpired since I first planned to publish this post. But now, I’m back (sing with me: “to let you know, I can really shake ’em down… DO YOU LOVE ME?” ) Okok– you might … Continue reading
– 1/2 cup ketchup -1/4 cup apple cider vinegar -1 1/2 tablespoon molasses -1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar -1 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard -1 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce – 1 teaspoon garlic powder -1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce -1/2 cup … Continue reading